Milan, 22 February 2016 - A2A S.p.A. announces today that, in the period between 16/02/2016 and 19/02/2016 the Company bought on the automated share market, pursuant to the resolution passed at the Shareholder’s Meeting held on 11 June 2015 (previously communicated as per art. 144 bis of Consob regulation 11971/1999), no. 8,447,029 ordinary shares (corresponding to 0.270% of the Company’s share capital) at an average price of Euro 1.0101, per share, for a total of Euro 8,532,662.11.
Details of the transactions on a daily basis are indicated below:
Date | Quantity | Average Price (Euro) | Countervalue |
16/02/2016 | 2,150,000 | 0.99369 | 2,136,433.50 |
17/02/2016 | 2,396,000 | 0.99849 | 2,392,382.04 |
18/02/2016 | 1,500,000 | 1.0381 | 1,557,150.00 |
19/02/2016 | 2,401,029 | 1.01902 |
2,446,696.57 |
Following these operations, A2A S.p.A. now directly holds a total of no 35,364,638 treasury shares, equal to 1.129% of the share capital.
Communications and External Relations – Media Relations
Tel. +39-02 7720.4583 –
Investor Relations
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Public disclosure requirements in accordance with Consob Resolution no. 11971 of 14 May 1999 as amended.
Useful resources
A2A S.p.A. - P.I. 11957540153