We are present in the entire value chain of energy, from production to the sale of electricity and gas and services, to solutions for e-mobility.
We are a life Company because we offer services that are part of daily life and that can contribute concretely to a sustainable future for everyone. To renew our services, we listen to our customers, to communities and to our workforce, aiming for excellence and innovation so as to generate real benefits. We believe that it is only with the active participation of us all, and with responsible and sustainable lifestyles, that we can make life better at home, in the city, in offices. This is how we contribute to Italy’s ecological transition.
These are the services, developed on the principles of the energy transition and the circular economy, that we provide:
We are present in the entire value chain of energy, from production to the sale of electricity and gas and services, to solutions for e-mobility.
Through our networks in the areas where we operate, every day, we distribute electricity and gas, drinking water and heat for district heating.
From urban cleaning to the integrated management of waste, and to the recovery of material and energy, we deliver circular solutions to take care of the areas we serve.
Our commitment for more sky-blue life is reflected in all the fields in which we are active. We have always dealt with energy, water and the environment with a circular use of natural resources and, thanks to our concrete action and to cooperation with communities and with the areas where we operate, we have so far achieved a lot, looking to the future. In the services we provide, our thoughts are on the future of the Planet: we have put ESG (environmental, social, governance) objectives at the heart of our strategic plan to 2030 and, thanks to these, we are increasing even more the pace at which we are moving to fulfil the ecological transition.
CO2 emissions avoided (2023)
green energy sold to end customers (2023)
Share of waste sorted in municipalities managed (2023)
Waste recovered as material or energy (2023)
Inhabitants served by purification service (2023)
La circolarità può essere la risposta migliore per la mitigazione degli effetti del climate change: riuso, riduzione e recupero possono rimettere in circolo 9,5 miliardi di mc di acqua, più di quanto perso nel 2022 a causa della siccità.
Fostering sustainable growth is very close to our heart. Thanks to a long-term strategy, with investments dedicated to the advancement of the energy transition, we are developing the production and use of energy from renewable sources, accelerating the process of decarbonization in Italy and promoting the electrification of consumption. At the same time, we are also spreading a culture of sustainability for families, businesses, apartment buildings, based on the adoption of responsible lifestyles that each of us must lead, thus contributing to the achievement of zero emissions.
customer satisfaction with the service provided at our help desks (2023)
electricity produced (2023)
of energy produced comes from renewable sources out of total (2023)
recharges for e-mobility carried out (2023)
CO₂ emissions avoided thanks to energy efficiency measures (ESCo) (2023)
At a national level, we work with local authorities in the ecological transition by managing the distribution of electricity and gas, district heating, public lighting, the integrated water service and smart solutions for city connectivity, mobility and safety.
m3 of water distributed (2023)
CO₂ emissions avoided thanks to district heating
lighting points managed (2023)
Equivalent apartments served by district heating (2023)
Electricity distributed (2023)
Municipalities served by Smart City services (2023)
Our circular economy model enables us to turn waste into resources: a virtuous system where everything can have a new life. We collect everything that can be recycled thanks to the correct sorting of waste and we transform it into new material. Anything that cannot be recovered as material is recovered as energy. In this way, by avoiding wastage, we safeguard the environment and we benefit communities, the areas we serve.
waste processed (2023)
waste collected (2023)
Waste sent to energy recovery (t) (2022)
Waste sent for material recovery (t) (2023)
Useful resources
A2A S.p.A. - P.I. 11957540153