Milan, 23 January 2018
The Boards of Directors of ACSM-AGAM S.p.A. (“ACSM-AGAM”), ASPEM S.p.A. (“ASPEM”), AEVV S.p.A. (“AEVV”), AEVV Energie S.r.l. (“AEVV Energie”), LARIO RETI HOLDING S.p.A. (“LRH”), Acel Service S.r.l. (“Acel Service”), Lario Reti Gas S.r.l. (“LRG”) and A2A S.p.A. (“A2A”) have approved a business and corporate partnership which has been studied by the parties for some time, as most recently announced to the market on 28 December 2017, the phases of which are described below (the “Aggregation Project”). Following approval by the respective administrative bodies, ACSM-AGAM, ASPEM, AEVV, LRH and A2A therefore signed the contractual documents governing the Aggregation Project, while the Municipalities which have equity stakes in the companies involved in the Aggregation Project will subscribe to these agreements and sign the relative contractual documents only after the final approval by the respective administrative bodies expected by 12 March 2018.
ACSM-AGAM, as the “aggregator entity,” a multi-utility in Lombardy created from the merger of the former municipal utilities of Como and Monza, is a publicly listed company, owned by A2A, the Municipality of Como and the Municipality of Monza, among others, mainly operating in the provinces of Como and Monza-Brianza, as well as in the provinces of Venice and Udine through companies in its group, and in the following sectors: (i) gas distribution; (ii) water service; (iii) sale of electricity and gas; (iv) co-generation, district heating and heat management; (v) waste-to-energy transformation.
ASPEM, is a multi-utility active in the Province of Varese, controlled by A2A, operating, directly and through other companies in its group, in the following sectors: (i) water service; (ii) environmental hygiene services; (iii) gas distribution and (iv) district heating.
AEVV is a publicly owned corporation (issuer of Financial Instruments distributed among the general public in significant numbers, pursuant to Art. 2-bis of CONSOB Regulation no. 11971/1999) active in the Province of Sondrio, whose relative majority shareholder is the Municipality of Sondrio, operating, both directly and through the companies in its group, in the following sectors: (i) gas distribution; (ii) sale of electricity and gas; (iii) heat management and other energy services; (iv) electricity distribution; (v)
pharmacy management; (vi) public lighting and (vii) car park management.
Acel Service is a company controlled by LRH operating in the following sectors: (i) sale of natural gas and electricity; (ii) production of electricity from photovoltaic plants and (iii) heat management.
AEVV Energie is a company held by AEVV (51%) and LRH (49%), which sells natural gas and electricity.
Lario Reti Gas is a company entirely held by LRH which operates mainly in natural gas distribution.
A2A Idro4 S.r.l. (“A2A Idro4”) is a company whose share capital is held entirely by A2A, and the transferee – as part of the Aggregation Project – of four hydroelectric plants owned by A2A, together with the contractual relations, and related assets and liabilities (the “Hydroelectric Assets”).
A2A Energia S.r.l. (“A2A Energia”) is a company entirely held by A2A and mainly involved in the sale of electricity and gas to large industrial customers, SMEs, apartment buildings and domestic customers.
Media Relations
Giuseppe Mariano
Tel. 02 7720.4582 – 4583
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Tel.02 7720.3974
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Pamela Boggiani
Tel. 031 529.278
General Affairs
Nicola Colicchio
Tel. 031 529.201
External Relations and Press Office
Gian Pietro Elli
Tel. 031 529.272
Lario Reti Holding
Communications Office
Matteo Grazioli
Tel. 0341 1927432
Francesco Conforti
Tel. 0342 533536
Useful resources
A2A S.p.A. - P.I. 11957540153