Milan, 21 March 2022 - A2A S.p.A. announces that today, together with its subsidiary AEB S.p.A., it has finalised a settlement agreement with the companies Idrotech di Corno Irwin Maria s.r.l.s., Eco Term s.r.l.s., CST Centro Servizi Termici di Calzolari Maurizio, Depositi Carboni Bovisa DE.CA.BO. s.r.l. (“Appealing Companies”). With the finalization of such agreement, the Appealing Companies have waived the litigation submitted against the industrial aggregation betweeen A2A S.p.A. and AEB S.p.A. and have acknowledged to have nothing whatsoever to claim in relation to the settled litigation.
Giuseppe Mariano
Responsabile Media Relations, Social Networking and Web
Silvia Merlo - Silvia Onni
Ufficio Stampa
Tel. [+39] 02 7720.4583
Investor Relations
Tel. +39-02 7720.3974
Useful resources
A2A S.p.A. - P.I. 11957540153