Guaranteeing a safe and healthy working environment (offices and plants) for everyone (employees and contractors) and, at the same time, promoting the most advanced working practices and management systems (including training) that help prevent accidents which, should they occur, are monitored and analysed.
Injury frequency (IF) index
Flu vaccinations administered
Health and safety
Promoting professional development programmes and implementing policies for talent attraction and retention; creation of training pathways in order to enhance employees’ technical, managerial and organizational capabilities; setting up of a system for listening to employees, thanks also to dialogue and collaboration schemes; fostering employees’ personal, family and work-related well-being (work-life balance) to help them harmonize their private and working lives.
New staff recruited
People involved in digital transformation process
Universities involved in the "iL@B incubator" project
Hours of training
Undertaking to develop an inclusive culture and working environment, furthering the principle of equality of treatment for all colleagues on the basis of the professional skills and capabilities. Development and promotion of an integrated approach to the management of human resources through appropriate practices and conditions that ensure equal opportunities for all employees in all spheres.
Donne in posizione di responsabilità (% sul totale responsabili)
Donne promosse durante l’anno ( sul totale delle promozioni)
Donne in posizioni entry-level ( sul totale delle posizioni entry level)
Welfare, diversity and equal opportunities
Useful resources
A2A S.p.A. - P.I. 11957540153